Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Annik 6

“Katani!” shouted Annik as she approached her. Katani spun around and gave a grin, which turned into a frown as she saw Annik’s expression.
“What is it? They haven’t found out, have they?”
“No, but it’s almost as bad.” Annik quickly explained their predicament.
“Oh man… how are we going to do this now?”
“We’re going have to get out earlier. You’ll have the best chances if you leave right after I do. The thing is, you’ll be in more of a risk of being discovered, but you just have to be careful. Now we have to go tell the others about this. And don’t leave anyone out!”
They ran all over the building, finding the other Puppets. Most of them looked worried, but just gave each other reassured looks. They promised to remind anyone else they see who might not have heard, which gave Annik some reassurance that her crazy plan actually might work. She spent the rest of her time searching for whomever she hasn’t told yet.
The clock struck 11:00 and she ran like all hell was at her heels back to the room. Just in time. As soon as she sat down, Drake opened up the door and told her they were leaving. Thanking her lucky stars she wasn’t caught or late, she walked towards the exit with the two men.
As Annik passed by the other Puppets, she gave them an encouraging smile and a wink. They smiled back, and Annik sighed in relief.
‘At least one thing is going right,’ she thought, and was greeted with the view of an elaborate coach. As the carriage door opened, she could see Kara sitting there, with a sickening smile carved on her face. Annik was seated right across from her, and the door slammed shut. Annik inched right into the corner trying to avoid attracting any attention. Too late.
“So Annik,” remarked Kara with a voice that matched her smile. She turned her gaze towards the Puppet. “I hear you were acquainted with the Librarian of Trospher. Before he died. Is that true?” Kara’s voice sharpened at his name, but went back to the sickly-sweet, syrupy voice.
‘I can’t tell her. I made a promise. A promise to a dead man,’ Annik thought, and hoped that Kara would take her silence as shyness.
 “Answer me please, or I’ll have to extract that answer rather painfully. You don’t want that, don’t you?”
Annik remained silent.
“Very well.” Kara pushed a button on the top of the carriage. The collar on Annik’s neck started to get hotter and hotter, until it glowed a bright white. Instead of the pain staying in that one area, it coursed down her veins, filling her with agony. She tried not to scream and give Kara any satisfaction in her misery.
“Do you want me to continue?” asked Kara softly, the threat obvious in her voice. “Or would you like to tell me now?”
“F-f-fine!” gasped Annik, and Kara smiled. She pressed the button again, and the collar shut off.  Annik touched the collar in shock, and pulled her hand away as she felt something wet and sticky. Blood.
“Now then. Are you ready to cooperate?” Kara inquired coldly.
‘Don’t do it! You made a promise!’ shouted a voice in her head. ‘But you have to, or you’ll be dead very soon,’ retorted another voice. Annik sighed.
“I knew him for a month. I left, and soon after I learned through the grapevine that he was dead,” Annik lied through her teeth, her rage barely controlled.
“Come now, don’t lie to me. I was great friends with him and he told me all about you-“
“You lying bitch!” screamed Annik, not able to contain her anger any longer. “You killed him in cold blood, just because he realized who the Organization truly was! You destroyed everything he lived for, yet he was braver and stronger then you. You are just a thieving, lying murderer!” Annik knew she had gone too far, but she didn’t care. Kara’s face darkened and she ominously leaned towards Annik.
“Why you little-“
“Mistress? Are you ok? We’re approaching the theater,” called out Drake from the driver’s compartment. Kara straightened up and smoothed down her dress, composing her voice.
“Yes. Thank you.” She looked over at Annik and narrowed her eyes. “Don’t think I’ll forget about this. You’ll get your punishment soon enough.” After that, there was only silence.
The coach jolted to a stop and the door opened. Drake helped down Kara, and motioned for Annik to get off. Kara walked towards the main entrance to a huge, grand theater. She watched Kara disappear into the crowd before getting off. As she clambered down, Drake leaned over and whispered, “You would want to watch out. You don’t know what the Headmistress has in store.” Annik looked up into his eyes, and she thought that she saw the slightest look of compassion soften his face. It was only for a moment though, and Annik felt herself being escorted towards the side door of the theater.


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