Thursday, February 3, 2011

Renita and Piko 2

I walked along the pathway, and came across some footprints. I kneeled on the ground, and examined them closely. They seemed fresh, and I could distinguish 5 different sets of footprints. I smiled slightly and pulled my hood over my head. They were so close! “This is going to be over very soon,” I muttered to Lyenta. She opened one eye, and seemed to grin in response.
I was just about to set off in the trace of the footprints when my amulet started glowing. I cursed under my breath and looked around. No one was near, and I pressed the small button in the back of the amulet.
“Yes, master?” I asked, hoping to be let off soon.
“How far have you gotten?” inquired a voice. I realized it belonged to Kara Violet Hikari, the leader who was in charge of my section of the Organization. I never really liked her, but I respected her. She was a perfect leader for the Organization; she was ruthless, clever, and will take advantage of every situation.
“I found some footprints,” I replied. “They are very close.”
“Good,” snapped Kara. “The Head is getting impatient for that book,” she said, and I could hear the smallest tinge of fear in her voice. I was not surprised, I have heard a lot of rumours about his cruelty.
“I sent Piko the other way,” I said, hoping she wouldn’t blow up at me. “She was getting in my way, and it move around faster without that little Puppet.”
“Fine,” said Kara. “I’ll contact her to tell her that you found the Puppets.”
“Do you have to do that? I really don’t like-“ I said, and was cut off by Kara.
“Now get going!” yelled Kara, and I winced a little. I was about to say, “I was, but you interrupted me,” but I knew better then that.
The amulet went dark in my hands. I knew I had wasted at least 2 minutes talking to Kara, and that’s a lot of time when you’re hunting someone. Every minute is precious when it comes to this mission.
Jogging along side the road, I made sure I didn’t meet up with anyone, or lost sight of the footprints. Lyenta flew off my shoulder and went ahead of me, keeping her sharp eyes out for the group of Puppets.
I don’t need anyone, especially not Piko. If they just let me go by myself, I probably would’ve found them sooner!
I remember something that my trainer had told me the day he set me aside. That was the day that he died, after he faced the Head and told him to help me. He told me these words, to help me remember who I am.
I am a loner. I am the predator, and the others are prey. I’m the snowy owl, dweller of the night. And with those words ringing in my head, I set out to hunt down the Puppets.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhh!!!!
    write faster!!!
    I love this story more then anything else!!!!
    And i mean it!!! Tell me when you write more!
    Please... :D
